A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

A roguelike made for the 2016 7DRL game jam. It features a unique mechanic: instead of finding out if each of your attacks hits after attempting to attack an enemy, you can see the outcome of your next five attacks (either a miss, a hit, or a critical hit) before you attack.

This version of the game is the original version made for the 7DRL 2016 game jam. Since then I've updated the game, and the new version is available at http://bunnyhopgames.itch.io/rngesus


RNGesus_ Windows_32.zip 64 MB
RNGesus_Windows_64.zip 4.6 MB
RNGesus_Linux_32.zip 4.6 MB
RNGesus_Linux_64.zip 4.6 MB
RNGesus_Linux_armv6hf.zip 4.5 MB

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